Speculative Fiction
PhasesWhat if there's some kind of fucked-up, invisible, ghost-devouring monster we should all be worried about?
Featured in One Story, January 2019. |
There's Clowns in the Woods“Maybe the clowns are the Pied Piper’s descendants,” Isaac continues. “Maybe they’re a death cult. Maybe they won’t stop until they’ve disappeared every child in America. Maybe they’re insurgents. Maybe they turn the kids into clowns. Maybe they’re stealing our future. Maybe—”
Featured in Barrelhouse, November 2021. |
Open SpacesSarah I did a ton of Googling with all the extra time on our hands, and we resolved to fuck in each of the nearly 100 public, state, and national parks in the continental United States that are rumored to be haunted. We wanted to do it before the world opened back up. That’s how we spent that year.
Featured in Shenandoah, Fall 2023. |
Elizabeth Kaplan's Best Day EverAt sixteen-years-old, you find yourself in the woods of your New Jersey neighborhood, just shooting the shit, looking for a place to smoke, when, by chance, you happen upon the Best Day Ever Machine.
Winner of the 2020 AWP Intro Journals Award. Featured in Quarterly West, July 2020. |
What We Look Like TogetherLilith will never again encounter the stranger, but she will see him, again, and again, and again.
Featured in CRAFT Literary, February 2021. |
Invent EverythingYou invent with dizzying productivity, utilizing artificial intelligence, parallel timelines, and slightly less gifted clones to maximize your output, creating and creating and creating throughout the multiverse with nary a sense of limitation, until, of course, you fall in love.
Nominated for the Pushcart Prize. Featured in Carve Magazine, April 2020. |
Harrison ChangesHarrison changed slowly at first and then very suddenly toward the end.
Serialized in Rejoinder, 2024. |
Last Letter HomeI was abducted from this Earth on October 17th of the current calendar year. The details don't matter.
Featured in New Haven Review, January 2015. |
The Constellations of Your BedroomThey're calling it curious, the scientists. They're saying we didn't love them enough.
Featured in X-R-A-Y, January 2021. |
When the Bats ComeDave's eyes are sunken. "Internet says to remain calm," he says.
Featured in Drunk Monkeys, September 2020. |
No Such Thing As Dogs TodayLater, I run down main street through a flock of pigeons. “This is not what I’d hoped for!” I shout. “This is not what I imagined!”
Featured in Rejection Letters, August 2021. |